Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Stereotypical Choice For a Job

Continuing with the whole "Possible Job" thing, the next is what I call a very stereotypical choice for a job for a kid, almost any kid from what I can tell. I bet you already know what it is, and if not, here ya go: Astronaut. That's right, I said it, an astronaut. How many of you wanted that? Go ahead, be honest.

So now, the "why" comes in. Why be an astronaut? What is so appealing about that? Well, now I must ask you: what is NOT appealing about being an astronaut?

First off, you get to explore all of space, right? I mean, to go where no man (or woman) has gone before sounds like an absolute blast, after all. Orbiting the moon, landing on said moon, finding extraterrestrials (probably not on said moon) and then planet-hopping until we find something new to discover and book into science. While this would be coolest thing ever of all time, it is the most obvious distruth ever. And judging by the red squiggle under 'distruth', that word is made up. The reality set in as i got older (seriously, I was around five when I thought this) as I watched the Discovery Channel and its specials on space exploration and astronauts and I came to the conclusion that the only fun part would be to drink orange juice while it's floating in a ball in front of me. But I still want to be one.


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